
SALT LAKE CITY (September 29, 2023) Today, UtahAttorney General Sean Reyes issued the following statement followingyesterday’s Capitol press conference for women alleging sexual misconduct byformer Operation Underground Railroad leader Tim Ballard:

“I am shocked and deeply saddened by theseallegations, but these women must be heard to ensure all credible evidence canbe presented. Such evidence should be appropriately considered by any tribunalthat can weigh them against contrary evidence or defenses of the accused. Isincerely hope there is due process and justice for all involved.

“Until we know more through the resolution of thesecases and complaints, I strongly believe that Tim Ballard and OUR deserve apresumption of innocence just as women coming forward on these issues shouldhave a presumption of credibility.

“Beyond that, I won’t comment on the accusations madeyesterday because I was not present to witness any of the alleged conduct. Idon’t have any information that can prove or disprove these claims.

“I can say that in all my interactions with TimBallard and Operation Underground Railroad over many years, I have never seenor experienced anything improper or illegal.

“To the contrary, what I have witnessed and the workwe have done together raising awareness of modern-day slavery, rescuingchildren and providing aftercare services has made, I believe, a positiveimpact in the world.

“The Utah AG’s Office will continue to do thedifficult but critical work of combating human trafficking and other forms ofexploitation through the investigations, prosecutions and victim advocacy ofits SECURE Strike Force, Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce (ICAC),Children’s Justice Centers and the Utah Trafficking in Persons Task Force."

In addition, AG Reyes’ general consultant Alan Crooksadded, “In light of so many unanswered questions and concerns, AG Reyes willnot be endorsing anyone in Utah’s 2024 U.S. Senate race.”


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