STATEMENT: AG Reyes Pays Personal Respect to those Who Valiantly Gave Their Lives Twenty Years Ago on September 11

Twenty years ago today, I was a young lawyer preparing tohead into work when time stopped, and the world changed forever. As we honorvictims who perished in the Twin Towers, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, Iremain optimistic that America can and will unify to defeat global terrorismand the underlying evil working to destroy our freedom.

Today, I hope we all take a moment to recall 3,000 innocent American liveslost, including valiant first responders, who ran into the flames, chaos, andhorror to assist and save others without regard for their own safety. They mustalways be remembered. All of them. And our prayers remain with their familiesand loved ones.

Out of respect to those we lost on September 11 and those we’ve lost just weeksago to terrorists intent on our destruction, let’s put down our politicalswords, at least for the day, and bask in the privilege and blessings of beingAmericans and being able to mourn as one nation under God.

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